Cultivation of Paphiopedilum

Dr. Toshinori Tanaka PhD
AJOS (All Japan Orchid Society)
(Jichi Med. School, Dept. of Virology)


1.At the beginning   By all means, read this.

Cultivation of Paphs ・For the generals
2.Compost(potting material)and How to pot
  (1)sphagnum moss

  (2)bark or crypto-moss(The skin of ceder)


3.How to grow
  (1)Sun light  (2)Temperature and wind


  (4)fertilizer  (5)Control of disease and pests

Cultivation of Paphs・For the biginners
2.Paph's species

3.How to grow Paphs  Sun light, Temperature,    Humidity, fertilizer etc.

4 .Care in four seasons  

5.How to bloom


7.Control of disease and pests

Continue to At the biginning(CLICK here)

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