Paphiopedilum culture in unglazed pots soaking in water ( NO.2 )

4 Results continued
(4) The first root that grew down straightly was stopped where touched to the plastic saucer. And the next roots grew bending at the bottom of plastic pot. They look like studying.
(5) In these days, it is cooler. I annoyed the temperature in pot to be lower. But it was the same.

5 Discussion
(1) In mid summer, plants continued to grow well in this technique. The humidity between the unglazed and plastic pots was almost 100 %.It is the ideal situation, I believe.
(2) I water them regularly once in a week in the summer heat.

6 Problems
I'm annoying about infectious disease.

7 In future
(1) In future, I continue to grow them in this condition, I'll report in the next spring.
(2) Now, I tried 3 different water, RO water, water including activator for plants and water including fertilizer.
(Please try water treating with ceramics . By Toshi Tanaka )

The landscape. Three kinds of water is used in this experiments.

It is good and very interesting idea for growing Paphs. Please try this way, the visitors. And please the results for this site. I'm looking forward to having your idea and suggestion. By Dr. T. Tanaka

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