NO. 83  Paphiopedilum barbatum var. acehense
                            by Destario Metusala 180109
Paphiopedilum barbatum var. barbatum has been recorded from Peninsular Malaysia. A new variety of Paphiopedilum barbatum was discovered from Indonesia, Sumatra, Aceh Province and described in ISSN e-journal, Oct 2017 by Mr. Destario Metusala.
This new variety differs from the typical variety in having strongly undulate greenish petals and lack of pink or purple tinge.
Terrestrial herb with short stem. Roots hairy, light brown. Rhizome cylindrical, 4 mm wide, short to elongate (more than 20 cm long) Leaves 5–7 per shoot, distichous, spreading, to 14–16 × 1.8–2.7 cm, oblong-elliptic to oblong-linear, coriaceous, glabrous, light green to dark green; adaxial surface matte to slightly velvety, mottled with darker green and longitudinal venation dark green; abaxial surface waxy and rather shiny/glossy, whitish to light greyish green; leaf base usually tinged purple beneath-especially on older leaves; apex obtuse to acute, minutely tridenticulate at tip. Inflorescence one-flowered, erect, to 39 cm. Flower 7.5 cm high × 3–8 cm wide. Dorsal sepal erect, 3.0–3.8 × 3.2–3.7cm. Petals 4.3–5.1 × 0.8–1.1 cm.
    Paphiopedilum barbatum var. acehense
Paphiopedilum barbatumvar. barbatum
Paphiopedilum barbatum var. acehense
 Paphiopedilum barbatum var. acehense
 Paphiopedilum barbatum var. barbarum
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