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NO. 54  Paphiopedilum  x sanjiangianum 141225
................Aree Petchieung (Huang Rong Shu) & Olaf Gruss

A new natural hybrid, Paphiopedilum x sanjiangianum was discovered fromChina and described in De Orchidee, 60(3):262,2009. This natural hybrid is assumed one between Paph. dianthum and Paph. barbigerum var. coccinium.

A new natural nhybrid, Paphiopedilum x sanjiangianum: was discovered from China and described in Die Orchidee 60(3):262.2009. This must be the hybrids between Paph. dianthum and Paph. barbigerum var. coccineum.
Paphiopedilum x sanjiangianum
Stem about 30cm, NS 10 x 11cm, DS 6 x 4.8cm, P 8 x 1.8~2cm, L 2.5 x 5cm

Paph. x sanjiangianum
Paphiopedilum x sanjiangianum

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