Universidad de Costa Rica LANKESTER


continuation of the
San JosŽ, Costa Rica ¥ May 21-25, 2003

Settled into a beautiful valley and with a temperate climate year round, San JosŽ is the ideal starting point to visit most of the interesting areas in Costa Rica, including large national parks, volcanoes, scenery vallies, and many vegetation types.

The Universidad de Costa Rica and the Jard’n Bot‡nico Lankester invite you to take part to an outstanding meeting on Neotropical orchidology.

The most recognized specialists worldwide will discuss topics related to orchid conservation from a broad perspective, including recent advances in orchid phylogeny, population genetics, information and data management, and pollination biology.

Attendees may participate to social and cultural activities, including Gala Dinner, visit to to the Jard’n Bot‡nico Lankester and a field trip to the wet, lower montane forest of Tapant’ National Park

The 1st International Conference of Neotropical Orchidology is organized by the Jard’n Bot‡nico Lankester, Universidad de Costa Rica, and sponsored by the Charles H. Lankester Foundation. All lectures and workshops will take place in the ÒCiudad Cient’ficaÓ of the University of Costa Rica.

Main objective of the Conference is to stress the importance of public awareness about the global themes related to orchid conservation, as well as to gather in Costa Rica specialists in conservation, academics, researchers, conservationists, orchid lovers, producers and sellers, officers of the Government agencies, scholars and general public, in order to understand the mechanisms of species threatens, promote basic research and develop actual conservation actions.

The thematic sessions of the Conference will be the following:

¥ Global perspectives on conservation
¥ Advances in orchid phylogeny
¥ Population genetics
¥ Information and data management
¥ Pollination biology

The aim of the Conference is to cover different topics, including orchid phylogeny, taxonomy, genetics, ecology, information management, horticultural techniques, trade legislation, in situ and ex situ conservation activities, among others.

Tuesday, May 20th
¥ Registration of the participants
¥ Reception of the works for the Photographic and Botanical illustration contests

Wednesday, May 21st
¥ Global perspectives in conservation
¥ Advances in orchid phylogeny
¥ Welcome cocktail

Thursday, May 22nd
¥ Population Genetics
¥ Cultural activities

Friday, May 23rd
¥ Information and data management

Saturday, May 24th
¥ Pollination biology
¥ Photographic and Botanical illustration Contest Awards
¥ Gala Dinner

Sunday, May 25th
¥ Field trip, visit to the Parque Nacional Tapant’ and Jard’n Bot‡nico Lankester.

Together with the Conference works, the 3rd Meeting of the Regional Mesoamerican Orchid Specialist Group, IUCN/SSC, will take place, with the objectiv to carry out the calendar of acti-vities planned in the former meetings, to identify research topics and priority actions related to the concerned region, and to direct recommendations to the public.
Aside the main sessions of lectures, workshops will be done on orchid culture, data collection, and basic conservation techniques.

The official languages are English and Spanish. Translation services will be provided for conferences and possibly for workshops.


Joseph Arditti
University of California

Calaway H. Dodson
Missouri Botanical Gardens

Robert L. Dressler
Missouri Botanical Gardens

GŸnter Gerlach
MŸnich Botanic Gardens

Alec M. Pridgeon
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Raymond L. Tremblay
Universidad de Puerto Rico

Norris H. Williams
University of Florida

Authors are invited to submit their papers or posters for consideration of the Scientific Committee before January 31, 2003. Both papers intended for inclusion in the conference program and posters must be submitted with title and summary abstracts. The Scientific Committee will review any submission and will take the final decision about papers and posters acceptance. The Committee reserves the right to accept posters and papers for the conference program subject to availability of time, and to take decisions about the complete or partial sponsorship of the invited authors for their participation to the event. Authors will be notified by February 28, 2003. Authors of accepted papers and posters will receive instructions for preparing extended abstracts for publication and guidelines for presentation in the conference program.

Abstract Format. Purpose of the abstract is to exactly define the subject of presentation for potential inclusion into the conference or posters program. The text of the abstract should be a single paragraph, and should not contain any figures, literature references, acknowledgements, etc. Posters will be presented in poster sessions, and authors are expected to attend their respective sessions to answer questions during the scheduled times. A brief personal profile (not exceeding 100 words) is required from the presenting author and must be attached to the abstract.


Please fullfill the following format. This is very important to receive more information.







I want to attend as: Attendant Lecturer

N. of accompanying people:

Please, send this page to one of the following addresses:

Jorge Warner Carlos Ossenbach
General Coordinator Executive Coordinator
P.O. BOX 1031-7050 P.O. BOX 136-1150
Cartago, Costa Rica Cartago, Costa Rica
jwarner@cariari.urc.ac.cr caossenb@racsa.co.cr
Fax (506) 552-3151 Fax (506) 253 49 09

For intended lecturers only: please, send copy of this page to the following address:

Franco Pupulin
Scientific Coordinator
P.O. BOX 1031-7050
Cartago, Costa Rica
Fax (506) 552-3151


Fee for the Conference is US$ 100.00, Professors US$ 80.00, Students US$ 40.00. Inscriptions received before December 31, 2002, will benefit of 15% off.

The Gala Dinner and the Field Trip will have a separate cost. You will be informed.

Inscriptions can be paid by the following methods:

1. By check (colones or dollars), payable to ÒFUNDACIîN CHARLES H. LANKESTERÓ,

2. Local wire transfers to the FoundationÕs accounts:

Ø Account N» 735502628 (colones), or

Ø Account N¼ 745502718 (dollars) at the BANCO DE CRƒDITO CENTROAMERICANO (BANCENTRO)

3. International wire transfers to account

4000 Ponce de Le—n Blvd. Suite 600
Coral Gables, Florida, 33146

ABA: 06611567

You must always state the following in the wire transfer:

For credit to account N¼ 100501228 of the Banco de CrŽdito Centroamericano (BANCENTRO), San JosŽ, Costa Rica. For final credit to account N¼ 745502718 of Fundaci—n Charles H. Lankester.

If you make a deposit or a wire transfer, please indicate clearly your name and
address and inform Carlos Ossenbach by fax or e-mail.

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