The Useful News for You

In this page, I'll introduce the good news including how to grow Paph. some products for growing etc. in the various kinds of fields in Paph.. CM about fertilizer and some activators will be all right. If you have some good information, please let me know. Thank you. E-mail to Dr. Tanaka :

NO. 23 Beautiful Orchids of South-West part of Indian Ocean
A New Book of Mascareignas and Malagasy Orchids

English - French
@ 0411112
Authers: Dr. Alain Petitjean PhD and his wife@
A professor of the University Madagasacar and La Reunion

A brief of wild orchids, flowering season, elevation range, habitat are given for each of 62 species covered. ( listing below ) 130 color photos, English- French text. Hardback cover. 144 pp. 25 Euros .

Listing of species include in this book.
Species (Page)

Acampe pachyglossa (14) Angraecum teretifolium (76)
AERANGIS (16 ) Beclardia macrostachya (78)
Aerangis articulata (18) Beclardia sp ( lusus ) (80)
Aerangis citrata (20 ) Brownleea madagascarica (82)
Aerangis cryptodon (22) BULBOPHYLLUM (84)
Aerangis fastuosa (24) Bulbophyllum horizontale (86)
Aerangis fuscata (26) Bulbophyllum longiflorum (88)
Aerangis hyaloides (28) Bulbophyllum occlusum (90)
AERANTHES (30) Bulbophyllum occultum (92)
Aeranthes antennophora (32) Bulbophyllum pachyphus (94)
Aeranthes caudata (34) Bulbophyllum vestitum (96)
Aeranthes denticulata (36) CALANTHE (98)
Aeranthes gracilis (38) Calanthe madagascariensis (100)
Aeranthes grandiflora (40) Calanthe repens (102)
Aeranthes imerinensis (42) Calanthe sylvatica (104)
Aeranthes neoperrieri (44) Cryptopus paniculatus (106)
Aeranthes peyrotii (46) CYMBIDIELLA (108)
Aeranthes ramosa (48) Cymbidiella falcigera (110)
ANGRAECUM (50) Cymbidiella flabellata (112)
Angraecum calceolus (52) Cymbidiella pardalina (114)
Angraecum crassum (54) CYNORKIS (116)
Angraecum compactum (56) Cynorkis angustipetala (118)
Angraecum ebur. ssp typicum (58) Cynorkis baronii (120)
Angraecum ebur. ssp superbum et ssp.xerophilum (60) Cynorkis elata (122)
Angraecum ebur. ssp superbum var. long. (62) Cynorkis fastigiata (124)
Angraecum elephantinum (64) Cynorkis flexuosa (126)
Angraecum germynianum (66) Cynorkis gibbosa (128)
Angraecum leonis (68) Cynorkis gigas (130)
Angraecum magdalenae (70) Cynorkis purpurascens (132)
Angraecum obesum (72) Cynorkis uniflora (134)
Angraecum sororium (74) Cynorkis villosa (136)

The front cover

The back cover
A one shot from the book.

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