The hidden side of the show (1)

Before the show opening to public

The concerned have rehearsed many times for the opening ceremony.

With the false champion winner.
He was checking the good acoustics to be satisfied.

The awarded flowers on center monument were prepared for the main area.
The awarded flower were checked one by one for visitors

Do it faithfully ! Finally, the numbers of plants were countered for check. If it was wrong, plant and number was joined one by one by many staffs.

The flowers were replaced better for judging and for visitors.
The registration table for judging. The staff were checked the form and identication & categories of flowers.
Many staffs for guard were instructed strictly. The judging flowers were handed to the staffs and put to be aranged in their area by them.

The Judging Area

The Judging Area where nobody can enetr except the cemcerned

The table of flowers for final election of Grand Prix 2004

Before judging, the area was cleaned up.
In the judging preparing room, the results of judging is summing up by so many peoples.

Prepapreing for the special exhibition

The orchids in Madagascal
Some display on a dining table by Mrs. Ambassadors to several countries.

Mrs. Ambassadors to Malaysia

Mrs. Ambassadors to Panama

The special displays were prepapred by so many excellent staffs.

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in Tokyo Dome 2004

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