
I have received the information of new hybrids using Paph. vietnamense as one of parents. This new hybrids is unregistered Paph. ( malipoense x vietnamense ) informed by a orchid friend in Germany, Mr. Olaf Gruss. The flower of new hybrids is introducing as follows. We can not see the flower of hybrids using Paph. vietnamense usually. It is very interesting. We know the color of flower of Paph. vietnamense is darker pink. And in case of Paph. Ho Chi Mihn ( delenatii x vietnamense ), the color of flower is very dark like Paph. vietnamense. But the color of flower is pale pink-green of this cross is similar to Paph. ( malipoense x delenatii ).

Paph. ( malipoense x vietnamense )

Paph. ( Franz Glanz x armeniacum )

This hybrids is very interesting too. Pure and glitter yellow is so beautiful...... !

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