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Morioka Orchid Society
It is the cultivation experience of the orchis the share combination, and it is a target of our meeting in the orchis to cultivate friendship about the people who have enthused.
Akashi Orchid Society
Welcome to our Homepage. You will find some activities of Akashi Orchid Society, the members, and of local botanical gardens around here at Akahsi with orchids.
Himeji Orchid Society
HIMEJI ORCHID SOCIETY is a club of a favorite orchis which lives in cities, towns, and villages in Himeji City and the vicinity. Will you enjoy the orchis together?
Association of Cattleya walkeriana, Japan
Association of Cattleya walkeriana, Japan is the association of Cattleya walkeriana and Cattleya nobilior. ACWJ is the Japanese branch of ACW Brazil.
Kobe Orchid Society
Kobe Orchid Society is a club of the lover of the orchis which can participate everyone. In the participation qualification, the orchis is only a condition of favor.
Kansai Paphiopedilum Guild
Kansai Paphiopedirum Guild is happy of the Pafio lover in the Kansai district and Pafio which can exchangeinformation meeting.
Japan Paphiopedilum Association
Knowledge of an existing original this meeting seed is deepened, and when hybridizing by the use of those field kinds, the grown enjoyment Pafiopedalm largeness and it is possible to swell it to the one with the dream.
Japan Paphiopedilum Association
It wants to recommend everywhere of wanting the bloom of Orchid including the cattleya which became familiar by my hand by all means, and the meeting in which the flower and the conversation can be done.
All Japan Orchid Society
We are the group which roots from the historical Imperial Orchid Society.
This site is authorized as a portal site of the latest information for the AJOS AWARDS such as "Certification for AWARDS" and "Fragrance Judgement" which Mr. Yoshiharu Fukuhara, from SHISEDO co. started.
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